T1 Champions Scholarship Program



Kids With Courage Foundation is pleased to give scholarships to young people with Type 1 diabetes. The Type 1 Champions Scholarship program has been created to help students realize their college dreams. Today’s economy is tough enough on young people and families. Add in the need for a lifetime of good medical care and expensive medications to stay alive and it is especially challenging to save for college.
Character. Hard work. Perseverance. Love of learning. These are the attributes that the Type 1 Champions Scholarship Program rewards. We invite high school seniors or college students with Type 1 diabetes who meet the eligibility requirements to apply for a Type 1 Champions Scholarship.


Our Current 2017 Available Scholarships:

The Barry Dan Harsh Memorial Scholarship $2,500

Barry Dan Harsh was a longtime friend to the Kids With Courage Foundation. Barry was not a man of riches but Barry found joy in making sure that Kids With Courage had funds so we could continue on with our important work until his death in 2015. It is a fitting honor to Barry’s selflessness that we offer this Education Scholarship. Barry’s caring nature
showed as he took the time to learn about Kids With Courage, the work we do, and
the children and families we serve. Barry took action to help us do that work.
Through this scholarship, Barry’s incredible spirit will live on as he continues to
make a difference bringing encouragement, hope, strength and education into
the heart and life of an incredibly brave young person.


The “Getting Back Up Again” Scholarship $1,500

Dan Lickel of Lickel Architecture along with his amazing staff and family are champions of our work.  It is important for us to honor people who care about our children and young people battling T1, as they have had an important impact in their lives as well as ours. Knowing that Mr. Lickel’s greatest strength is “Getting Back Up Again“, and how that strength is parallel to the daily struggles of our kids, the scholarship name seems incredibly fitting. Preference will be given to a student who is attending Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS.


The Courage Champion Scholarship $1,000

A courage champion is an attitude, really. A fighting spirit, a special brand of courage…
like no other. Our champions face life head on–they battle, they persevere, they overcome.
They don’t know easy, but make no excuses. Being different makes them stronger,
setting examples for and being an inspiration to all! And, as with all real Champions,
they are humble…just doing what they need to do.



*More scholarships may be added for 2017. 

Click here for our T1 Champions Scholarship information.

Click here for our T1 Champions Scholarship application packet.  All scholarship applications MUST be postmarked by April 15, 2017.


*Please pass our scholarship eligibility and application on to any T1 graduating seniors, current T1 college students, your high school counselor’s office, or anyone you think might benefit from this amazing opportunity. We appreciate you getting the word out.

*Kids With Courage will name a scholarship in honor of individuals or caring companies for one year. Minimum scholarship amounts starts at $500 and can go to any amount. Contact courage@kidswcourage2020.nfshost.com if you or someone you know is interested in funding this educational opportunity for a deserving T1 student. Thank you!