Meet Kayla R.


Kayla was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes September 2013, she was 5 years old. This last year has been a struggle at times but she has been a fighter and very brave. Kayla has been involved with gymnastics this year and enjoys it. She is also involved in a local garden club for kids and loves being outside. Her school has been really great working with her and could not ask for a better school. Click here to read about Zion Lutheran’s response to Kayla’s diagnosis. We have been very proud and thankful on how well she is doing and has adjusted to Type 1 diabetes. She deals with this disease every day but never lets it beat her or get her down.
She would like people to know that she is a normal 6 year old and can do everything that everyone else does. She is not afraid to do anything and some things might take some time but she will get it done.
Type 1 has been a positive influence in her life by making her a stronger person each day. She has accepted Type 1 diabetes and is a very brave, strong 6 year old. She is not bashful about her disease and is open about it. If anybody asks her or her parents about Type 1 diabetes she jumps right in and tells them her side of the story.

Kayla is:

A 1st grader
Enjoys gymnastics
Garden club member
A sister
A wonderful daughter
A swimmer
A outdoor girl
A great imagination
Loves to read
Likes to ride bike
Giving and caring for others
A girl with Type 1 Diabetes